New Patient Information

If you have never been to see a chiropractor or you are a new patient at ADIO Chiropractic, we want you to feel comfortable with the experience. Learn more about what to expect at your appointment and other new patient information below.

Before You Visit

ADIO Chiropractic offers our patient forms online so they can be completed in the convenience of your own home or office, before you even arrive to our chiropractic office.

Download the New Patient Information form below, print it out and fill in the required information. Fax us your printed and completed form(s) or bring it with you to your appointment.

New Patient Form*Please do not print these forms double-sided

Back Questionnaire*Please do not print these forms double-sided

Informed Consent*Please do not print these forms double-sided

Quadruple Visual Analog Scale*Please do not print these forms double-sided

Neck Questionnaire*Please do not print these forms double-sided


Your Consultation

On your first visit to our office, the Doctor will sit down with you to discuss your health concerns or problems. This information will help in determining what course of examinations to take with your case. Again, make sure to download the Patient Information Form and fill out before your first visit.

Chiropractic Exam

The Doctor will perform the appropriate orthopedic, neurological and chiropractic testing. Because your posture is a window to your spine, a thorough postural analysis will be done as well as range of motion testing. The doctor will check your spine for proper function and show you areas of displacements or subluxations. The purpose of the examination is to determine if your case can be accepted and care can be beneficial to you.

X-Ray Evaluation

If necessary, X-rays can be taken and analyzed in our office. X-rays allow us to fully understand your problem and enable us to explain the problem to you more easily. These films help determine the health of your spine, alignment, and degeneration. With this information the Doctor will be able to determine what is causing your problem and what it will take to correct it.

Report of Findings

During the report the Doctor will go over the findings from your examination and testing and let you know if your case can be accepted for care. He will thoroughly explain any X-rays and findings and take as much time as you need to answer any questions or concerns. He will also let you know how long it will take to correct your problem, how often he will need to see you and the cost of the choice of care you chose.

At this time your Doctor will go over his best recommendations with you.

  • Relief / Pain Care – the first phase of care focused on getting rid of the pain.
  • Stabilizing / Corrective Care – phase where we continue care to further correct your problem. During this phase, you should be pain free, but continuing to work toward maximum spinal restoration / correction and improve your body’s function.
  • Maintenance Care – is when the problem has been corrected and the focus becomes maintaining results and further prevention. Maintenance is different for everyone.

The type of care you decide to receive is up to you. The Doctor’s goal is to provide you with the information you need to make the best decisions for your own personal health.

Is Chiropractic Care Right For You?

Chiropractic is a safe, effective health care treatment that can be beneficial for many types of conditions. A chiropractor’s hands on therapies and conservative methods have been proven in all major medical journals to, in some cases, be the best treatment option related to certain diagnoses.

Does ADIO Chiropractic Offer Any New Patient Specials?

Yes, we do! We offer a special for new patients for first-time Chiropractic or Massage treatments.

Chiropractic Special Offer:
$37 Evaluation + 1 Adjustment
Includes case history, posture evaluation, spinal analysis, personal report of findings, and 1 chiropractic adjustment for $37.

Massage Special Offer:
$45 One-Hour Massage
Specializing in deep tissue therapy, stress relief, Swedish massage, prenatal massage, injury rehabilitation, myofascial release, and TMJ.

Expires February 28th 2025